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A place to belong personally and Grow professionally​

IdAEP Annual Meeting

  • 7 Dec 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual


Registration is closed

Socials / Monthly Meetings / Presentations (Members & Friends): 

December 7, 12:00 PM - IdAEP's Annual Meeting. We will give a report on IdAEP ... the past and future. Look for NAEP highlights and opportunities to engage environmental professionals around Idaho and the nation. Take a minute to meet IdAEP officers and directors.

The meeting will include Chuck Nicholson the chair of the NEPA Practice Working Group and Ron Deverman, NAEP Past President and NAEP Fellow. They will talk on engaging NEPA Legislation and Leadership in the Environmental Profession.

Annual Meeting Link Below

Meeting ID: 841 4214 2899

Passcode: IdAEP


Or dial (audio only): 669 900 9128

Meeting ID: 841 4214 2899

Passcode: 418943


The Idaho Association of Environmental Professionals (IdAEP) aims to be a place for multi-disciplinary environmental professionals from the greater Idaho area to connect, learn and grow. Our membership is made up of both private and public sector professionals seeking a venue for growth within the environmental profession.



IdAEP is a chapter of the the National Association of Environmental Professionals. NAEP was founded in 1975, with the expressed purpose of "Promoting excellence in the environmental profession." Should you be interested in exploring membership opportunities, please visit our membership section or

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