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IdAEP February Monthly Meeting Presents: EPA/US Army Corps of Engineers’ Final Rule: Revised Definition of “Waters of the United States”

  • 7 Feb 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • Chapter Member Only

Registration is closed

IdAEP will host this event for IdAEP 'Chapter Only Members' at no charge.

EPA/US Army Corps of Engineers’ Final Rule: Revised Definition of “Waters of the United States” the first in a series of webinars on 'Regulations & Rulings'. 

When: Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Time: 12:00 - 1:30ish pm (Mountain)

Who: NAEP and IdAEP Members Only

Registration Required. You will be sent the webinar presentations and link before the webinar begins.


A panel of experts will provide an informative and concise summary of the WOTUS definition’s technical, legal, and regulatory history. More importantly, they will analyze and discuss both the technical differences between the Final Rule and the current, pre-2015 WOTUS definition, and the impact on the regulated community that is likely to result. The Final Rule’s effect on the natural resource the CWA was created to protect will also be considered, along with the potential impacts of the SCOTUS’ Sackett v. EPA opinion, which is anticipated to be delivered this spring.

Additional Information: Individuals registering for the event will receive a link to the meeting and presentation material via email before the event. Note: This link will be different from past meeting links.


The Idaho Association of Environmental Professionals (IdAEP) aims to be a place for multi-disciplinary environmental professionals from the greater Idaho area to connect, learn and grow. Our membership is made up of both private and public sector professionals seeking a venue for growth within the environmental profession.



IdAEP is a chapter of the the National Association of Environmental Professionals. NAEP was founded in 1975, with the expressed purpose of "Promoting excellence in the environmental profession." Should you be interested in exploring membership opportunities, please visit our membership section or

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